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List of Stock
Early C19th mahogany secretaire bookcase
C18th Italian armchair
C19th Marble Relief of Young woman
Pair of Cast Brass Candlesticks
Pair of Walnut Caned Hall Chairs
C19th Novelty Walking Stick
Set of four large Giltwood wall lights
C19th Flame mahogany tripod table
C19th marble relief of a young woman
Early C18th oak 5 Drawer chest
Large unusual C19th ceiling light
Late Victorian inlaid Mah Tray
Large inlaid Box
Tortoishell and gold collared walking stick
c19th child's high chair
Good pair of mahogany hall chairs
Set of four C19th rosewood chairs
C19th Brass ceiling light for hallway, kitchen
Large C19th carved gilt wood mirror
Large carved gilt wood Overmantel mirror
C19th carved carved giltwood pelmet
A large shop / studio walnut Cheval mirror
Set of six Bohemian glasses
Rare Commerative jug with political interest celebrating the 70th birthday of the Earl of feversham by his Doctor !
Oil painting of St Mary Redcliffe Bristol
Figured Mahogany Georgian Dining room table
C19th set of four satinwood chairs with painted decoration
C19th Rosewood show frame armchair
C18th hand held face screen, Jacobite connections
Set of three C19th brass fire irons
Early Victorian cast iron fender
Pair 19th Century Bronze Laughing & Crying Infants By Franz Xaver Messerschmidt
C19th novelty horn handled walking stick modelled as a hand
C19th Grand tour bronze of mercury
C19th carved limestone cherub
10 inch Columbus Duo Erdglobus German globe
C18th indian candlestick / lamp converted to table lamp
C19th Large wooden bowl
Edwardian cut glass cherub wine decanter
C18th longcase clock
Early C19th brass altar candlesticks
C19th walnut marbled topped serpentine bedside table
C18th Oak Settle
C18th bureau bookcase
C18th large Delft flared vase
C18th Cherrywood bureau possibly American
Large pair of C19th famille rose vases
C18th bow fronted lacquered chinoiserie corner cupboard
Large C18th blue and white Chinese vase
Dining table mahogany rounded D ended and wind out
fine set of brass fire irons of naturalistic form
C18th large embroidered sampler map of england and wales
Early C19th toleware tray
C19th Reposse Bronze Tobacco jar
C19th reposse brass planter.
C19th Satinwood barometer
C19th large Classical two arm wall light
C19th Mahogany inlaid butlers tray
Set of four prints Grimsthorpe in the County of Lincolne C1707 by Johannes Kip
C19th pair of walnut wall brackets
Set of fire irons complete with fire dogs/ andirons
Regency overmantel mirro
Horn and gold collared walking stick
C19th Birch linen/ book press by T bradfords & Co.
C19th embossed silver top cane
Large C19th bronze of mercury on sienna marble base
Early C19th sycamore large bowl
Carved stone griffin gargoyle
Long handled bellows with carving of the guildhall
portrait oil painting of famous surgeon
C19th Napoleonic Prisoner of war straw covered box
Victorian magnifying glass
C19th rosewood card table
ANGLO-BOER WAR 1899-1902 - COLONEL CECIL FANE D.S.O 12TH Lancers shaving kit
Map of South America by Tho Kitchin C1790
Map of North America C1780 by Thos Kitchin
Carved walking stick with carved snake
Cliftaphone gramaphome C1924
Pair of large Japanese baluster vases
Pair of Silver plated five light candelabra
C18th lignum vitae treen cup and cover
C18th Sycamour turned bowl treen
Art nouveau walking stick with hazel shaft.
Collection of cast bronze Nigerian figures
C18th polychrome figure of madonna and child
C18th carved female figure of Venus
HM Georgian silver mustard
Chinese cup and cover with four figure mark for yuan shikai 1916
C19th pair of side chairs in the george 11 taste
Early C19th small chest of drawers 36 inches
C19th bamboo curtain pole
C19th mirror
Large Chinese wall hanging in silk and silver thrread
C19th Unmarked silver topped cane
C19th Rosewood writing slope
Edwardian hall lantern light of good size
A late C18th tortoiseshell and pique gold and silver inlaid box
C19th Limoges ormolu mounted box
C19th deep buttoned leather mahogany stool
A large Arts and crafts log bin/ coal bin
Pair of regency paperweights
C17th panelled coffer
C19th Copper embossed plaque in a painted wooden frame, in the pre raphaelite taste
38 inch Embossed Gold topped rosewood cane
Large C19th brass chinoiserie jardiniere
C19th oak brass bound coopered bucket
C19th Pine metal banded chest
C19th Copper Art Nouveau lidded jug
1768 map of the alps by Humannianis Heridibubus
C19th oak metal bound bucket with Royal crest
Bronze vesta depicting a monkey in uniform
C17th and later Oak Wainscot Chair
C19th Brass log or coal bucket
Inlaid Bureau with brass gallery
Large Camphorwood campaign brass mounted trunk
C18th satinwood wine table
C19th Mahogany pedestal desk
C19th carved Chinese stand
Early C20th horn handled silver coloured walking stick.
A pair of Air ministry levers glasses
C19th Walnut and pine pedestal desk
A rare silver Royal Flying Corp WW1 silver HM identity bracelet
C19th bow fronted miniature chest of drawers
C19th Indian Painting on cloth
C19th Horn handled silver collared walking stick.
1930s Japanese carved handled umbrella
C19th collection of ivory lace making/ love tokens in a glass frame
C19th Chinese large flared rimmed vase
A French ormolo mounted sevres bleu celeste porcelain encrier
Large pair of chinese vases in the imari pallette
Pair of Chinese Ivory carvings
C19th pair of bronze candlesticks in the manner of thomas hope
C19th pair of Chinese Lacquer panels in modern Chinese frames
C19th Ivory Chinese scroll case
C19th Indian teak and brass bucket
C19thoak childs chair
C19th mahogany writing table
C19th walnut serpentine roll top desk
C19th ladies tortoiseshell card case
C19th bronze archer by R Kuchler ( Rudolph Kuchler 1867-1954)
1930s oak Grandmother clock
Barley twist two tier oval trolley
C20th carved Burmese hardwood Gurkha tray
C19th bust of Aphrodite
C19th well fitted oak and inlaid jewellery box
Edwardian ladies silver plated belt
C19th large carving of a monk
C19th Bronze of a dancer with a sword
Early C20th scarab beetle belt buckle
A George III brass lever-action nutcracker, with maker's stamp for Thomas Bingham of Birmingham
Georgian Tallboy or chest on chest
C19th Bedside Cupboard
Silver collared palm wood walking stick
Chinoiserie Edwardian hall lantern
Georgian Papier mache snuff box
Large C19th bronze of the venus de milo
C19th Polished tin Hip Bath
C19th Elm Childs Wheel Barrow
C19th ash wood nursing chair or prie-dieu
An Edwardian swivel office chair
1930s limewood carving of a polar bear on naturalistic base
Edwardian portfolio stand
C19th Elm blanket box
C19th Beidermier pier mirror
Edwardian polished spelter lamp
Pair of Chinese armchairs
Early C20th Chinese nest of hardwood tables
Chinese Han Dynasty Terracotta painted bowl
C17th and later Wainscot armchair
C18th oak carving of a satyr
C19th Georgian sofa table
A good pair of C19th carved giltwood picture frame
C19th small ottoman table
C18th pastel portrait of a young woman by JFA TISCHBIEN ( 1750-1812 )
C18th oak carving of satyrs face
C20th limewood carving of a monkey tending its baby
C19th Chinese carved bamboo and ivory dinner set
Paschen Type Galvanometer Made by the Cambridge Instrument Company limited
C19th telescope by C CARTER high street Exeter
Pair of Regency Gilt brass candle sconces
GUNN Stacking bookcase similar to globe wernicke
Edwardian Walnut bookcase with adjustable shelfs
C19th small walnut veneered open bookcase.
Pair of oak veneered small open bookcases
C19th Set of stained pine library steps
C19th four draw telescope
C19th tin lined pine trunk, marked Captain S Merrett stock
C19th scrimshaw on a whales tooth
C19th Chinese Famile Noir Ginger Jar
C19th HM silver hat pin stand
Early carved giltwood mirror
Georgian bright cut HM silver cruet stand
large Arts & Crafts copper plaque
Two C18th green wine glass
Welsh loving spoon with bone inlaid inscriptions
C18th Yew wood tea caddy
C18th Famille Rose Bowl/ punch bowl
C19th solid mahogany office/desk chair
C19th Gilt Bronze Warwick Vase